Clients registry

This page lists the main ‘official’ underworlds clients, that are of general use.

Several core clients are hosted directly in the main underworlds repository. The others are typically hosted under the underworlds-robot GitHub organisation.

Core clients

The core clients are hosted directly in the main underworlds repository.

  • uwds {ls, load, edit, show}: simple command-line tools to inspect and manipulate the underworlds network. Check their individual help pages for details.
  • uwds view: a 3D renderer to display and inspect underworlds worlds:

Screenshot of uwds view. Cameras are attached to the robots and the human faces, and can be used to check whether objects are visible from the point of view of a given agent.

  • uwds visibility: compute the list of visible objects, from each camera’s view point.
  • uwds tf: bridges ROS tf with underworlds – creates/updates ROS tf frames in a given underworlds world, with the option to select the desired tf frames using a regex.


Check as well the underwords Core Tools page for more details.

Community clients

Check each client’s README for details regarding usage/installation.

  • perspective_filter: perspective taking & beliefs computation
  • robot_monitor: monitor the robot from /tf and an input world to provide an Underworlds output world with the input objects and the robot
  • env_provider: create an underworlds world from a static description of the environment
  • allocentric_monitor
  • ar_object_provider: add ar_tag objects to the given Underworlds world
  • physics_filter: underworlds filter that use Bullet RT physics simulation to produce the near future of the intput world